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MOLYKOTE™ 1102 Gas Cock Grease


Property Result
Consistency ca. 3
Base oil viscosity at 100°C – 42
Drop point None
Flash point (IP34)
Effective temperature range °C – 0 to 160 short term 220
Solidification point (of the base fluid)
Coefficient of friction (steel on steel, steady state)


MOLYKOTE™ 1102 Gas Cock Grease

APPLICATIONS • Used successfully with natural gas stop-cocks of main and secondary lines in domestic equipment, instantaneous water heaters and similar equipment. • Lubrication of smaller taps made of metal, glass or plastic.

TYPICAL PROPERTIES Specification writers: These values are not intended for use in preparing specifications. Please contact your local Dow Corning sales representative prior to writing specifications on this product

Technical Data Sheet

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