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Permanent Lifting Magnet

Important parameters:

  • Nominal lifting capacity for flat material: up to 2000 kg
  • Nominal lifting capacity for round material: up to 1000 kg
  • Safety factor: 3 (EN 13155)NL_39_Neo_EN_pdf_637115724480000000


The Neo Permanent Lifting Magnet

Permanent Lifting Magnet PDF

Widely used for handling ferromagnetic materials in the metal industry – in workshops, on building sites, in warehouses
for semi-finished steel products, when handling steel work pieces, tools, sheets, metal profiled sections, tubes, and bars.

Important parameters:

  • Nominal lifting capacity for flat material: up to 2000 kg
  • Nominal lifting capacity for round material: up to 1000 kg
  • Safety factor: 3 (EN 13155)

  • handling flat, round, and cylindrical work pieces
  • lifting of profiled sections and sheets


(kg) (kg) (kg)

Ø min/max (mm)

NEOL150 60 93 120 10 3 450 150 65 40/100
NEOL300 100 152 180 16 10 900 300 150 60/200
NEOL600 120 246 180 20 21 1800 600 300 65/270
NEOL1000 146 306 236 20 40 3200 1000 500 100/300
NEOL1500 165 374 273 20 69 4700 1500 750 150/350
NEOL2000 165 478 273 20 90 6200 2000 1000 150/350



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