HomeMaisam ShopSafety Products516.900.005 703H: Heat detector – Fixed 90°C

516.900.005 703H: Heat detector – Fixed 90°C


The Fireclass 703H is a conventional fixed temperature detector ideal for use with the Fireclass range of conventional fire alarm control panels.

The 700 Series Intelligent Conventional Fire Detection Range is the first conventional detector range from Johnson Controls that uses algorithms to determine fire conditions more precisely. This provides superior performance and improved false alarm rejection rates.

Through innovative design, the built-in micro-processors in the 700 Series detectors offer built-in drift compensation which extends the life of the detectors, thereby reducing service costs to the customers. Installers only need one fitting to complete the installation.

Buy 516.900.005 703H: Heat detector – Fixed 90°C and other Fire Safety Products, UAE from Maisam Trading LLC at best prices!