HomeMaisam ShopAll Product'sFLUKE 710 MA LOOP VALVE TESTER


  • Valve test procedures that deliver Good, Marginal or Bad assessment of a control valve
  • Generic HART communication
  • Best-in-class mA accuracy at 0.01 % measurement or source value
  • Compact rugged design
  • Intuitive user interface with Quick-Set knob for fast setup, easy to use
  • 24 V DC loop power with mA measure mode (-25 % to 125 %)
  • Resolution of 1 μA on mA ranges and 1 mV on voltages ranges
  • Built in selectable 250 Ω resistor for HART communications
  • Simple two wire connection for all measurements

SKU: 427 Categories: , Brand:


The Fluke 710 Valve Testing Loop Calibrator is designed to enable users to perform quick, easy tests on HART smart control valves. Featuring built-in test procedures and an intuitive user interface, the 710 allows users to quickly and easily perform valve tests, while the valve test quick-check results provide at-a-glance diagnostics help you make maintenance decisions faster than ever. The valve health quick-check results let you know whether your valve is in good, marginal or in bad operating condition so you can quickly decide whether additional maintenance is necessary.

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